Tutor Support
Our Tutors are available from 11:00 AM SGT to 12:00 AM SGT (Singapore Time)
With our offline Tutor Support, you can ask subject-related questions, and you will receive a solution/answer via email. If a subject expert is unavailable at the moment, a ticket will be generated for your query.
For specific subject-related help, mySecondTeacher will assign you our highly competent Tutors, who are experts in their respective subjects.
Students can have their questions or queries solved with proper guidance from our subject experts/tutors. You can either type your question or share a snapshot of it our Support team via chat or email.
After submitting your subject-related question, our support team will review it and forward it to the relevant subject experts.
You will receive a solution/answer via email within 24 hours, once it has been reviewed by the subject expert.
To reach out to our Tutors, use the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen
After submitting your subject-related question, our support team will review it and forward it to the relevant subject experts.
You will receive a solution/answer via email within 24 hours, once it has been reviewed by the subject expert.