
The “Announcements” feature in mySecondTeacher allows teachers and school leaders to make important announcements to specific class(es) or the entire school.

They can either announce “General Announcements” or “Get Response” to the audience they prefer.

The announcements made will be visible to students/parents/teachers every time they log in to mySecondTeacher on the “Noticeboard.”

The teachers and school leaders can stop the announcements anytime they want.

  • Click on “Announcements to Students/Parents” under “Chat and Announcements” from the action cards on your Dashboard (Teachers’ Dashboard).
  • Or you may simply click on “Announcements” from the navigation bar and select “New Announcements.
  • Select and fill in the required field.
    • Make General announcements
    • Get Response (e.g. Send eConsent form)
  • Select the audience: parents, teachers, or students
  • Select whether to announce it to the entire school or a specific class and click “Continue.”
  • Fill in the Announcement and set the date.

The announcement will be posted immediately and will be visible to the targeted audience.

Yes, you can edit the ongoing announcements!

  • Click on the “Announcements” from the navigation bar
  • On the “Ongoing Announcements” section, choose the announcements you would like to edit
  • Likewise, click on the “Edit Announcements” button under the respective announcement
  • Make your changes like audience type, class(es), links, messages, date, and time
  • Finally, click “Continue” and select “Announce.”

The announcements stop once the time set by the teachers or leaders is over. Also, the announcements stop when they specifically stop the announcements.

In order to stop the announcements, follow the steps below:

  • Click on the “Announcements” from the navigation bar.
  • On the “Ongoing Announcements“, select the announcement that you would like to stop.
  • Click on “Stop Announcement.

The announcement will stop immediately.

Yes, you can edit the ongoing announcements!

  • Click on the “Announcements” from the navigation bar
  • On the “Ongoing Announcements” section, choose the announcements you would like to edit
  • Likewise, click on the “Edit Announcements” button under the respective announcement
  • Make your changes like audience type, class(es), links, messages, date, and time
  • Finally, click “Continue” and select “Announce.”
  • You can click on “Announcements” from the Navigation Bar.
  • Click on “New Announcement.
  • Select “Get Response” from the drop-down.
  • Select announcements to whom you want to make available like Parents, Teachers, or Students, and select class/es.
  • Select classes, type in the message, add a link or file, select the poll option, and select the end date/time with the time zone. (The announcement can be made available at a later date as well)
  • Finally, click on Continue.